Saturday 2 December 2017

Rafa Benitez says he saved Chelsea but fan protests stopped him from staying

RAFA BENITEZ has claimed he ‘saved’ Chelsea during his short stint at Stamford Bridge.
And the Spaniard believes he would have stayed longer if Blues fans had not hounded him out.
 Rafa Benitez returns to Chelsea with Newcastle on Saturday
Benitez today returns to Chelsea for the first time since his seven-month reign as boss in 2012-2013. The former Liverpool manager was made ‘interim manager’ in November 2012 after Roberto Di Matteo was given the boot. He won the Europa League and even secured automatic qualification for the Champions League by finishing third in the Premier League. But Benitez faced protests from a section of supporters throughout his time at Chelsea and he left them at the end of the  season, with Jose Mourinho returning to replace him.

Newcastle boss Benitez admitted: “Initially, Roman Abramovich brought me in to save the team and to achieve what we did achieve.
“We finished third like Abramovich wanted — to qualify directly for the Champions League — and we won the Europa League in the meantime.“My relationship with Abramovich was really good, with the people of the board it was really good. They knew we were professionals and we were doing our job. We were achieving what they expected.
“All the feedback that I had from the professionals and the board was very positive. But they couldn’t manage  what happened with some fans.” Benitez was booed  in his first game in charge against Manchester City — while   ‘Rafa out’ banners became a theme during his  reign. The hostility towards him stemmed from the fierce rivalry he had with the Blues when he was manager at Liverpool. And Benitez, who was annoyed the club gave him the ‘interim’ tag, also revealed how a lie peddled on social media turned Blues fans further against him.  He said: “A teenager in the Czech Republic put on Twitter that I once said I would never  manage Chelsea. That is simply not true — but then this story was created.“So a group of fans weren’t good to me. You can always hear those who are more vocal. But it doesn’t mean they were the majority. I can tell you, a lot of fans were happy with me.
“When you go to the game, the rivalry between Chelsea and  Liverpool changed things and the perceptions of some people.”
But Benitez does not think he will receive a bad reception when he goes back to the Bridge today. He insisted: “I had so many  messages telling me I did really well. The fans in the street at the end, were saying, ‘Carry on, you’re doing a great job’. So I think the fans will be fine when I go back.” Benitez knows his opposite number Antonio Conte well from their respective times at Napoli and Juventus in Italy. And he believes the Blues are still  contenders to defend their title. Benitez, whose side have not won any of their last five matches, knows Newcastle will have their work cut out against the champions. He said: “To come to another country and win the league at a massive club, Antonio Conte did really well.
“This year they have played against other teams who are stronger and they also play in one more competition, the Champions League.
“But I think they are a very strong team who will be at the top of the table. They will be closer. Chelsea are a top side and it is difficult to go there and win.”
From The Sun

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